
Rotten timber caused by rain water trapped under the house.


(English followed by Japanese)





Tatami mats are not nailed but sit tightly on timber structure like this.


My Husband L working on the base of the floor

It’s been a while since I last updated my blog. This doesn’t mean not much happened with the house. I’ll start with the most horrifying looking problem of the year.

No more trampolines

For some time I was aware that our tatami mats bounced like a trampoline in one of our living rooms. Been just too scared to lift the mats and face yet another problems of the house.

I was mainly worried about kids running through the room. We sighed in despair. Just when we thought we could finally start beautification of the house rather than spending more money on structural issues, we thought. When we lifted the tatami mats, it was BAD.

There was so much rain water trapped in what is called “Poteto Storage”, built under the house by my grand parents back in the day when it was a good idea to keep food for winter. This under floor storage was apparently a common feature around this area.

It was like watching a horror movie. Covering eyes with hands and peeping through fingers. The damage was BAD.

Unlike many might think, tatami mats are not nailed securely on to the timbers underneath. So you really want to make sure it is good and solid under there.

We got some help from our local builders. We told them we need to do what we can do ourselves to save cost. It was really good of them to agree to this, they even gave us guidance and just took up the jobs that we couldn’t do ourselves. After contemplating different options, we decided that filling more soil into the old potato storage hole and stopping rain water from accumulating was the most effective way. This was easier said than done. Who wants to go in there and scoop out that filthy water? Hats off to my husband and the builders.

The garden ground also had a slight slope leading a lot of rain water into under the house rather than to the ditch where it was supposed to go so my husband laid out more soil on the garden, creating a gentle slope to lead water towards outside.

Water is really the biggest enemy when it comes to a traditional timber house like ours. Thanks to our team, the problem was solved in the end and the living room feels like a much healthier space to be in now.

Author: Lady Reno

I am sharing our journey of restoring our old house in Hiroshima. I've lived away from Japan for so long, I truly cherish my time and opportunity to reconnect with my own culture. I am grateful I have a partner who enjoys DIY projects and understands what this house means to me. I am concerned that my fellow country people don't appreciate traditional architecture or culture - what's truly unique to Japan - as much. Passionate about resurrecting the values of "good old Japan" that are disappearing.

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