Japanese DIY materials #2 Persimmon Tannin Dye “Kakishibu”

I have written a little about “kakishibu” in my previous blog Circa mid/late 19 centuries – our “new” door, but it deserves a dedicated blog post in my opinion so here it is.

History -It’s Ancient

Liquid made from fermented young persimmon.

“Kakishibu” is a traditional Japanese dye or paint made from unripe persimmons which have been fermented and aged for several years. Deep amber in colour, this natural material has many benefits and it is believed to have been around in Japan for 10,000 years. It was quite commonly used for its waterproofing, desiccating, antiseptic and strengthening effects. Applied to boats, fishing nets, umbrellas and raincoats as a waterproofing agent. It was an essential material to laminate paper used in stencil printing for kimono fabrics. It was also your insect deterrent, deodoriser, remedy for high blood pressure and ointment for burns. This unique and versatile material was quite a popular household item until chemical products took over after the second World War.

As a Building Material

My handy husband applying “kakishibu” paint.

“Kakishibu” is a source of the very image many of us associate Japanese traditional architecture with – that dark colour of timber. It has been an essential material for traditional buildings for centuries. Apparently every household had a pot under the house a few hundred years ago. We always keep a bottle or two around the house ourselves but I am sure people think we are quite eccentric. It can be applied on timbers such as walls, floors, beams and furniture to keep moisture out as well as to protect it from insects such as termites. I have never applied on anything else but apparently works on paper, concrete and stone as well. You can use a paint brush or a cloth. Just take a small amount, apply it, wipe the excess off with a cloth and leave to dry for an hour or so. Repeat this two or three times. It does have a strong smell (you thought natto was bad?) but that will go in a few weeks. Unlike modern paints, it is not mixed with drying medium so it is slow drying (I have brushed against our walls and stained my clothes so be careful). But if you are fixing an old house, I highly recommend this product. It gives such a beautiful natural vintage colour to your house and newly painted parts blend in quite well. Best of all, it’s natural and safe.

Natural and Safe – No VOC

I should have talked about this aspect first. Can’t get more natural than “Kakishibu” as far as a paint goes. If you have asthma or allergies and are concerned about indoor air pollutants or Sick Building Syndrome, “kakishibu” together with “shikkui” plaster is a winner. Sadly “Kakishibu” gave way to modern paints and almost disappeared from daily life of post war Japan but it is gaining popularity again as the world turn to more healthy and environmentally sustainable alternatives.

There were three places that are particularly famous for “kakishibu” production: Minoh (Gifu), Yamashiro (Kyoto) and Bingo (Hiroshima/Okayama). So chances are you can still find quality products from these places. Here is one boutique manufacturer in Hiroshima who are doing a great job of resurrecting their highly praised craft. Takanjo – Bigo Onomichi

If you want a faster drying “kakishibu” paint that’s free from toxic substances, “RJ” in Hiroshima has a paint called “Benkei Nagomi” which come in two different shades of vintage dark brown. One of our builders told me about this and we love their stuff. Check out their other products as well, they have great natural waxes or penetrating sealers for unvarnished timber etc. These are safe and perfect for use in traditional Japanese houses.

Unlikely Patrons – Pirates and Ninja

The Seto Inland Sea, known for its beautiful archipelagos.

So this is a silly little postscript. It was good to write this blog as I learnt a lot.

Did you know there were pirates in Hiroshima, one tribe in particular called the Murakami Pirates? They were more like an unofficial navy or “samurais” of the sea, rather than terrorists and thieves as the name might suggest. Around the 15th and 16th century, the pirates controlled waterways around the Seto Inland Sea which was a crucial maritime trade route. Feared, respected and influential, they even built a castle on one of the islands entrusted with “policing ” duty by the ruling Shogun of the time, Mohri. It might sound like a synopsis of the next hit drama on Netflix but it is true. “Kakishibu” is said to have been the Pirates’ must have item. They would have used it on sailcloths, bottom of the ships and fishing nets etc. Given the geography, I would imagine Bigo “kakishibu” must have been a popular commodity for those who work around the sea much more so than that of other cities.

Kouka Ninja – One of the two major clans of ninja (Shiga Pref.)

The other unlikely association to “Kakishibu” is Ninja. People often assume they wore black but it’s actually not the best colour to hide in the dark. In those days, dying fabric in black would have cost a lot more, hence it was not the most worn colour by the ordinary civilians – and this, blending in with the crowd, is in fact one of the guidelines of ninja, according to an old ninja handbook “Shohninki (c 1681)”. “Kakishibu” dyed fabrics could have darkened in time, but black outfit could not have been so typical. There might have been some regional differences but dark brown such as “kakishibu” dye or dark blue such as indigo dye would have been more realistic, given they were supposed to be peasants, merchants, buskers or mountain priests. They certainly weren’t your muscly James Bond in a tux. Don’t quote me on any of the above though, it is just my opinions and observations based on my own research.

Welcome to Our Place!

Yes, we decided.  It’s May and Sydney is getting cold.  It is time we migrate to Hiroshima again.


I am unusually excited because this time, 7 whole months – longest ever.

I am determined to use this old house for either cultural events or Air BnB now that we are staying for long.  We’ve spent enough money.  Time to recoup some.  Still have loads to do but first up, I made up a floor plan and a map of the Nakao House so we can take those to the council for approval, get permits, make necessary arrangements to open this old house for business.
What can we do here?

I am thinking hands on experience on Japanese plastering (Shikkui), kimono or tea ceremony, music, cooking…  Invite Japanese experts and conduct events bilingually.  Maybe a small group of 10?  With coffee, tea and cake?


Make “Kura” cool again!

It is the coolest part of the house. No point in hiding it.  Air BnB.  Interested in sleeping in Kura, anyone?  Our street used to be full of great “Kura” storehouses but they are disappearing fast.  Maybe because it costs so much to maintain.  I understand as we too spent over $10,000 fixing but we have less and less tradesmen which is alarming.  I want to change this somehow.  We have to keep giving jobs to these people, putting some money in, keeping the culture alive.


Why should you stay with us?

Kura (Storehouse), disappearing from our streets.

Well, there aren’t many interesting accommodation options around Hiroshima.  Not like Kyoto.  This one is full of characters.  We are not right in the centre but still pretty accessible and it is rare to find traditional accommodation like this.


Hot spring, views, the “Carp” Love, all here

I also think it is about time travelers to Hiroshima explored a little more South.  We are at the skirt of Ohgon-zan (Golden Mountain), only 15-20 min bike ride from JR Hiroshima Station, walking distance from Mazda Museum (I wish they’d do something about those robot-like lady guides, pretty but they are awful), and our beloved Zoom-Zoom Mazda Stadium is near by.

Love of the local baseball team is everywhere!

It is gateway to Kure,  you can’t say you’ve come to Hiroshima until you see the beautiful coastlines and floating islands in the region.

Kure has many beautiful beaches. Hardly any waves. Great for kids

So much fun to be had yet I think this area is quite under rated or badly promoted.  It has to change.

The Nakaos favorite lunch @ Coquette

The Nakao house is located in a very quiet residential area.  In fact, you hardly see tourists or foreigners.  But isn’t that an attraction for people who want to have glimpse of what sort of life locals lead?  There are also a few interesting shops and quirky cafes that are totally off the radar of posh guidebooks.

Ohioan-zan (Golden Mountain) at twilight. Locals’ popular venue for fireworks viewing.

And Ohgon-zan (Golden Mountain) has an awesome lookout, offering breathtaking 360 degrees panoramic views day and night, a must visit.  Another nature spot is Hijiyama which gets enough visitors due to close proximity to the city as well as their awesome museums.  We even have a perfect family entertainment venue that offers a hot spring, Japanese gardens and restaurants all in one place, walking distance from us – Hanbe, love it.


Experience life like a local

Did I make you at least a bit curious about our house or the area? Sure,  you can stay in Miyajima, I’d allow it.  But don’t stay in the CBD hotels (unless you want to party all night.  You can’t do that here).  Stay over our way, ride a bike everywhere (we have a few to rent) and live like a local.  Be original.