No Carp, No Life (apparently).

“There’s no more tickets left.” I told my husband in disbelief. We were trying to see a game of the beloved local baseball team the Carp. It was only a few days after the tickets went on sale. Sold out instantly for the entire season which goes for six months or so. Unbelievable. This was obviously some years ago, we are now better educated than to expect anything left at the official ticket office.

A-Dome in twilight.
Miyajima – this World Heritage island is popular with both domestic and international tourists.

When you come to Hiroshima, there are two things you do: visit the Peace Memorial Museum/A-bomb Dome; and see Miyajima (“Itsukushima” as the locals traditionally call it). It may be controversial but I would like to suggest the third “must-do”. That’s if you are visiting the town in its baseball season – go and watch a game live at the stadium!

Make no mistake, I’m no baseball fan. In fact, I’m a city girl from Tokyo who refuses to wear any sports club gear whatsoever. Usually. But trust me, it is a truly unique “Hiroshima” experience, I can assure you.

Hiroshima Mazda Zoom Zoom Stadium

It’s inevitable you will learn about the Carp if you spent time here. Even if you are not a fan. First of all, you will see the Carp EVERYWHERE. Local ads are filled with its players. If you open a bank account, you’ll get a tissue box with the Carp logo printed on it (and yes, people do want it). Any lucky draw prize would involve game tickets. People’s greetings, followed by the weather, will be about the results of the night before. Your TV host will tell you it’s some player’s birthday today. You will be “educated” on the sport whether you like it or not. It’s worse than the Kiwis with their rugby here.

Yep. Everywhere you look, you will find…

My husband had never seen a baseball game before he came to Hiroshima. But it wasn’t long after we moved that he came home with a red T-shirt that says “No Carp, No Life”. He once wore it on the plane coming back from Sydney, arriving in Tokyo. He was transferring to a domestic flight to Hiroshima and everyone was staring at him, asking the same question. “Are you a Carp fan?” In Hiroshima, you never get asked that question. He wasn’t aware that it is only Hiroshima that people wear baseball gear as everyday wear.

Reserved Seat Tickets for the Hiroshima Carp vs the Yokohama Bay Stars
“Bikkuri Terrace” translates as “Amazing Terrace” which is a special seating area where you can enjoy BBQ while watching a game.

So where do you get tickets? I go to discount ticket shops or online auction sites. If a ticket costs $40 officially, then you may pay double or triple that price. This is regrettable but that’s how it is. Try to choose an ethical seller. Re-selling of Carp tickets has been a big issue here. Especially towards the end of the season if they are close to winning league championship, ticket prices can go up the roof. Easiest to get are “visitors” seats which are technically not for Carp supporters but for the visiting team’s. You are not allowed to wear red or cheer for the home team there. These regulations need to be in place as we all know that even these seats will be filled by disparate Carp fans.

Visitors’ seats are OK. They are cheaper and much easier to obtain but I would recommend sitting somewhere else if you can because it’s fun to sit with the locals and go crazy together with every hit or home run. Even if you don’t care who wins, just be surrounded by these passionate fans is an amazing cultural experience. They even have chants and songs for each player. No matter what the score is, these guys cheer like it’s a close game. You would not see sport supporters quite like them anywhere in the world. They are passionate and crazy but super well-behaved and gentle. Lots of them go and watch with very small children too.

Another special area with comfy mattresses – “Nesobe Area”

If you are a tourist, this is a great opportunity to connect with the locals. Japanese can be shy but inside the stadium, they are rather keen to share joyful moments with total strangers sitting next to them.

My kids came home from school one day rather distressed. They said they were the only kids at school who had never been to the stadium to see the Carp. We needed to rectify. When I told my neighbours we finally got tickets, they asked. “So have you got a uniform each to wear? What about balloons, the cheering goods?” What balloons? What cheering goods? I have been to a baseball game before in Tokyo. I didn’t have to bring anything? Do we all have to wear a uniform? No one does that in Tokyo unless you are a fanatic fan. Then the neighbours brought everything for us. You are to wear a carp shirt (from home, no changing at the stadium) and bring a pair of mini plastic bats to make cheering noise. At the end of the seventh inning, you also shoot red balloons in the air (yes, I know, they do need to reconsider this ritual).

Hiroshima Mazda Zoom Zoom Stadium by Night

By the way our neighbors told us they aren’t really a massive fan of the team. I would find out in time that this “Carp cheering set” is a household item in Hiroshima, regardless of your interest level.

We at Cohindoe can help find you some tickets if you are staying with us. We had a Canadian man staying with us and he absolutely loved it. We are an easy bike riding distance from the Mazda “Zoom-Zoom” Stadium and we offer our bikes to ride (free of charge). The stadium is actually not so far from JR Hiroshima but getting stuck behind the post game slow moving crowd is not much fun. Getting taxi or public transport is also quite chaotic. So get on a bike and beat the crowd is the way to go.

Carp pooch carry bag. You will find all sorts of stuff at the stadium shop.

If you are going to the stadium, allow some time to have a look around before the game starts. You’ll find a bouncing castle for kids, cafes, souvenir shops, food stalls all around the stadium with Japanese street foods. Look at different seating options too. “Nesobe Area” is super popular as you can watch laying down on a comfy mattress. There are also seats with BBQ or “bathtub” seats… it’s a little crazy. Don’t think other stadiums are like that in Japan because this is fairly unique.

So when in Rome. Go and watch the Carp at the stadium. And go crazy with the locals.

Balloon time at the seventh inning


* English to follow Japanese








『善き人のためのソナタ』(独題: Das Leben der Anderen, 英題: The Lives of Others


I am doing OK, perhaps.

Too busy is my excuse. I am not documenting what we do often enough. Need to keep up otherwise I’ll forget.

A memorable thing happened a few days ago. I received an international parcel and as soon as I picked it up, I knew who and what it was.

We have been running this guest house for a while now. Over time we received great reviews and I am sure that has a lot to do with constant bookings of late.

We tend to have more European guests than others. People who stay here seem to show great interests in true and authentic traditions and culture, rather than something just seemingly Japanese. Our guests seem to love how they are not in the middle of a touristy place, and how they find themselves amongst locals who are pleasantly surprised to see them in this rather quiet residential area.

Mr. F was from Germany who stayed with us a few weeks ago. He asked me about this house and we ended up talking about community, traditions, family, history and so on. Mr. F told me about this book on an old house written by a German author which covers those topics and that he thought I’d enjoy it.

I was immediately interested and took a mental note. When I finish the book I am currently reading (rather thick, it is actually a series), I’ll find the book, must be in English, I thought.

For the next few days Mr. F went everywhere on one of our bikes, enjoying the beautiful autumn weather and landscapes of Hiroshima. He also left us a top review.

Then I received this parcel in the post a few days ago. I was so touched. A card was enclosed but there was no return address. He probably didn’t want me to worry about thanking him. Nice touch. Somehow reminded me of the great ending of the film “The Lives of Others”. It happens to be about East Germany, one of my favourite.

Sometimes it’s hard going. Too often I doubt myself. But times like this I get to tell myself, “Maybe I am doing OK. Just keep grinding and it’ll be OK”. What a gift.

Welcome to Our Place!

Yes, we decided.  It’s May and Sydney is getting cold.  It is time we migrate to Hiroshima again.


I am unusually excited because this time, 7 whole months – longest ever.

I am determined to use this old house for either cultural events or Air BnB now that we are staying for long.  We’ve spent enough money.  Time to recoup some.  Still have loads to do but first up, I made up a floor plan and a map of the Nakao House so we can take those to the council for approval, get permits, make necessary arrangements to open this old house for business.
What can we do here?

I am thinking hands on experience on Japanese plastering (Shikkui), kimono or tea ceremony, music, cooking…  Invite Japanese experts and conduct events bilingually.  Maybe a small group of 10?  With coffee, tea and cake?


Make “Kura” cool again!

It is the coolest part of the house. No point in hiding it.  Air BnB.  Interested in sleeping in Kura, anyone?  Our street used to be full of great “Kura” storehouses but they are disappearing fast.  Maybe because it costs so much to maintain.  I understand as we too spent over $10,000 fixing but we have less and less tradesmen which is alarming.  I want to change this somehow.  We have to keep giving jobs to these people, putting some money in, keeping the culture alive.


Why should you stay with us?

Kura (Storehouse), disappearing from our streets.

Well, there aren’t many interesting accommodation options around Hiroshima.  Not like Kyoto.  This one is full of characters.  We are not right in the centre but still pretty accessible and it is rare to find traditional accommodation like this.


Hot spring, views, the “Carp” Love, all here

I also think it is about time travelers to Hiroshima explored a little more South.  We are at the skirt of Ohgon-zan (Golden Mountain), only 15-20 min bike ride from JR Hiroshima Station, walking distance from Mazda Museum (I wish they’d do something about those robot-like lady guides, pretty but they are awful), and our beloved Zoom-Zoom Mazda Stadium is near by.

Love of the local baseball team is everywhere!

It is gateway to Kure,  you can’t say you’ve come to Hiroshima until you see the beautiful coastlines and floating islands in the region.

Kure has many beautiful beaches. Hardly any waves. Great for kids

So much fun to be had yet I think this area is quite under rated or badly promoted.  It has to change.

The Nakaos favorite lunch @ Coquette

The Nakao house is located in a very quiet residential area.  In fact, you hardly see tourists or foreigners.  But isn’t that an attraction for people who want to have glimpse of what sort of life locals lead?  There are also a few interesting shops and quirky cafes that are totally off the radar of posh guidebooks.

Ohioan-zan (Golden Mountain) at twilight. Locals’ popular venue for fireworks viewing.

And Ohgon-zan (Golden Mountain) has an awesome lookout, offering breathtaking 360 degrees panoramic views day and night, a must visit.  Another nature spot is Hijiyama which gets enough visitors due to close proximity to the city as well as their awesome museums.  We even have a perfect family entertainment venue that offers a hot spring, Japanese gardens and restaurants all in one place, walking distance from us – Hanbe, love it.


Experience life like a local

Did I make you at least a bit curious about our house or the area? Sure,  you can stay in Miyajima, I’d allow it.  But don’t stay in the CBD hotels (unless you want to party all night.  You can’t do that here).  Stay over our way, ride a bike everywhere (we have a few to rent) and live like a local.  Be original.