Hello, Original Features

Hello, high ceiling! Lighting has also transformed this area.

Like many traditional Japanese houses, this house went through some ugly cosmetic changes in the 70s.  Walls and ceilings covered by cheap veneer panels.  When an electrician came to check on outdated illigal wiring work and opened a small part of ceiling above the entrance, we could see the beautiful high ceiling with gorgeous old beams, all covered by ugly veneer.

My father, traumatised by his childhood memories of hearing snakes slithering above his head, quickly tried to dismiss our idea of opening up the ceiling.  Besides, he said, it would be freezing in winter.

Ceiling covered with ugly veneer panels.

It is quite handy that my Australian husband and my Japanese father do not understand each other perfectly.  My husband gently assured my father it would look 100 times better and started tearing the veneer off.  He was covered with a century of dust and it took forever to clean the area (sadly my job) but the result was well worth the effort.

Author: Lady Reno

I am sharing our journey of restoring our old house in Hiroshima. I've lived away from Japan for so long, I truly cherish my time and opportunity to reconnect with my own culture. I am grateful I have a partner who enjoys DIY projects and understands what this house means to me. I am concerned that my fellow country people don't appreciate traditional architecture or culture - what's truly unique to Japan - as much. Passionate about resurrecting the values of "good old Japan" that are disappearing.

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