


Dramatically transformed bathroom
Dramatically transformed bathroom


Changing knobs is a very easy and effective way of achieving the looks you want
Changing knobs is a very easy and effective way of achieving the looks you want



This door doesn't quite go with the 250 years old house.
This door doesn’t quite go with the 250 years old house.


Finally we can soak in the bathtub and relax…

You have to be careful with wet areas like bathroom and kitchen when you are dealing with traditional Japanese houses.  Rusty old pipes and dampness ruined timber structure under the floor of our house and we had to get the entire bathroom area gutted.

We’ve separated one long area into 3 small rooms; wash basin, change room/laundry and bathroom with tub and shower.  The wash basin was put together by my handy husband and I replaced boring white cabinet knobs with those with more vintage look which came from my favourite vintage hardware supplier from Queensland, Australia.


Next – the entrance door

The ugly 70s aluminum door just has to go. Currently waiting for a quote from a group of very skilled builders with hearing disability that I found near us. We communicate through a sign language interpreter.

We plan to purchase an old storehouse wooden door and get a modern lock fitted to it. Fingers crossed for good outcome.