







My husband’s favorite weapon the interior bar (at his foot).
Before installing the wet deck.
The stone my husband dug out is shown in this old picture
(my great-grandfather’s 88th birthday celebration, c. 1963)

“Engawa” make over – how our “Nure-en (wet deck)” was built

While I’m self-isolating for Covid-19, I thought I’d update my renovation journal but somehow time slipped away as usual. Anyway, we have done a lot last year (2019) but I hardly had time to keep record of our projects. That has to change.

One big change was the deck area. Deck inside the house is called “engawa” in Japanese and outdoor one is called “nure-en”, wet deck. I LOVE engawa. It’s my favaurite feature of traditional Japanese houses. But to talk about how we came to renovate this area, I have to go back a year when I stumbled across this old house that was being demolished by a bulldozer. Yet another house. My heart sank. A beautiful one too with a proper tea room which indicated an owner with some wealth and culture. I quickly stopped and asked the bulldozer operator if I could save a few things. The house was already quite damaged but through shuttered glasses and mountains of rubble, I managed to find a few treasures unscratched like vintage timber framed exterior glass doors and traditional tea ceremony goods. The problem was that the doors were too big for my car. The demolition guys needed me to remove them immediately. A freaky coincident is that the office of the builders that sometimes help us with our reno was on the same street. I asked them if they would store them for me while I think of ways to transport them. They obliged but now I have to move them to their office on my own somehow. My man was in Sydney which is typical when I need him. The doors were SO heavy, I only walked about 5m with one on my back and nearly collapsed in the middle of the street. I must have looked quite desperate and helpless grunting and groaning, a knight in shining armour appeared out of nowhere. He was a fit looking tradesman, how perfect. I was so thankful.

Once the stone was removed, it was like a breeze.

There is a reason it took ages afterwards before these doors were installed. We got four door but needed one more for our space. What do we do with the missing door? If we get it made, it would cost more and look new. If we try to find a similar sized vintage door in Yahoo Auction it might take time or cost to fit. My indecisiveness stopped this project from progressing further.

Months later, out of the blue my husband came armed with his favourite interior bar and started ripping the aluminum door frame of the engawa. “Oh, wait! We still don’t have the fifth door! What about plan first?” Before I could protest, that side of our house was wide open. Looking satisfied, he randomly placed the four doors along the engawa and covered the gap with some shabby veneer. That’s how we slept the next few months. No lock. Lucky we live in such a safe neighborhood. Now this was my cue to move this project forward. I called my speech-impaired team of wood workers “Sourire”, got a quote for a new timber frame glass door as well as installation of all the doors and locks. We also needed to replace sliding door timber tracks, both top and bottom. I wanted vintage Japanese brass locks so ordered them online. It took many little adjustments before the doors fit well and rolled on the tracks smoothly. The locks took a little bit of care too because of their mechanism but my trusty silent team did it again, the whole area looks more cosy and inviting now, very satisfying results.

This wasn’t the end of the engawa project for my husband. He wanted to maximise the use of this space by adding a deck to the other side of those doors. The outdoor engawa is called “nure-en”, a wet deck. I was initially worried about making our yard smaller but that was not a concern of my husband. I decided to leave it to the hard working professional outdoor space creator. The biggest hurdle was moving all by himself a huge stepping stone which must have sat there for a century. We can see it in a black and white photo hanging in the house, of my great-grandfather’s 88th birthday party.

Digging and moving the stone little by little by using pipes, it took him about three days, while he still had to attend to his work matters back in Sydney whenever necessary. Once the stone was clear out of his way, it took no time to install deck boards. The stone must have been such a nuisance for him, it stayed there in that most inconvenient spot in the middle of the yard for ages before it was moved again under the new deck.

The wet deck became a very popular spot for all the family members. We have BBQs there, teas and coffees with friends there, kids playing card games there after school. Perhaps the biggest fan of the deck is my father who comes to visit us occasionally from Tokyo. He loves having a nap there. It means a lot to me that he loves what we’ve done. This is the house he grew up in and he left it in such a devastating state until we took on the renovation task. Sometimes I find him reminiscing the old times and detect a hint of sadness. I think he must feel a tiny little sad his childhood house is changing. But at least it is not on the verge of collapse anymore and we stopped it from having to demolish the house. While ago I was assured by one of our tradesmen that the house is now secure for at least another 50 years. Our kids also love the house and it will be theirs in time. I hope my father finds comfort in that.

A lay of sunshine is hitting on the deck. It was a beautiful morning. Our neighbour is walking her dog “Love-chan” as usual. She stops in front of the house and notices the change. “Oh, you house is looking better and better, isn’t it. Great work!”. Small gestures like that encourage me to do better.