
Bought from an online antique shop, circa mid 1800
Bought from an online antique shop, circa mid 1800

(English blog to follow)












板の間 VS 土間

Original Earthen Floor
Before shot – Original Earthen Floor 土間にしておきたかった気持ちもあるけど…新リビングスペースの可能性に期待。



Timber floor completed and painted
Timber floor completed and painted




Circa mid/late 19 centuries – our “new” door

Bought from an online antique shop, circa mid 1800
Bought from an online antique shop, circa mid-late 1800

This old house features various styles and architectural trends through past 200 years.  While some are fascinating and valuable, others are simply ugly and do not decorate the house in any positive way.

We have a few loose rules that we keep in mind when renovating this house;

1. Keep the original features where we can

2. Due to necessity or convenience, modernisation is allowed to a certain extent

3. To be budget conscious and minimise material waste

One of the things we kept that was not original was sliding doors with patterned glass panels.  It feels very 70s but according to one of our builders apparently we cannot reproduce them so we took his advise to keep them.  Besides, while they do not look the best, they are close to a century old which is old enough.

One thing we have been dying to replace, however, was the ugly aluminum entrance door.  But our priority has been to NOT let the house collapse.  So up to now beautification gave way to structural enhancement.  In our 6th year of renovation, I think we can finally put more money and time in making the house look beautiful.

Sorry Grandpa but that door just had to go...
Sorry Grandpa but that door just had to go…

So buying this “new” door made me feel like we have come a long way.  Very satisfying.

It’s an old storehouse (kura) door circa mid 1800. It was designed for indoor use so we needed to make a few modifications such as putting glass panels behind the grid and incorporating a few locks.

87 years old builder who rides push bike to work

We found this group of NPO builders near us and it was totally a coincidence.

The builders were lead by 87 years old boss, Mr. Nakagawa, and his apprentices were in their 7os.  All with hearing difficulties.  Mr Ohuchi is the only person who can hear and speak, and he manages the organisation as well as serves as a sign interpreter.  Mr. Ohuchi also has sound Japanese building knowledge and thanks to him we had no communication problems.

Our excellent team of builders. Despite their hearing difficulties, no communication problems.
Our excellent team of builders. Despite their hearing difficulties, no communication problems.

In fact they were all so nice to deal with, their quote was more than reasonable,  I was so happy to make the decision of asking them to help with our house.

Earthen Floor vs Timber Floor

While we were changing the door, we looked at the earthen floor of the entrance area.  It was a timber floor when I was a little girl.  My grandma often had a nap there in summer as that was the coolest spot in the house.  When we returned to this house 6 years ago after nearly 30 years, the floor boards were so damaged we had to rip them and the original earthen floor was revealed.  I had never seen it like that before and a part of me really wanted to keep it that way.   But putting shoes on every time we wanted to go from bathroom to bedroom was nuisance.

My husband smashing the concrete tiles to reveal the original earthen floor.
My husband smashing the concrete and tiles to reveal the original earthen floor.

Besides, having a timber floor there again meant gaining an extra living space which was too good an idea to dismiss.  I also wanted a space where we could put a sofa so my poor hardworking husband can sit and relax.   He is Australian and it i

s not so comfortable for him to be sitting on the floor all the time…

It took 5 days and our builders have done a beautiful job on the floor.

Timber floor completed and painted

We painted the timber with this special brown paint (made locally) which is designed to give the ancient persimmon brown colour.  The entrance area has really transformed.

Inspiring People

This bit of renovation was really memorable for me.  It was so cool to see Mr. Ohuchi communicate with his team of builders in sign language.

Meeting these polite, energetic and skilled people with hearing difficulties really inspired me.  Would I be able to contribute to society like they do when I am 80?  Who will be disabled then?  I am so in awe of them.

Author: Lady Reno

I am sharing our journey of restoring our old house in Hiroshima. I've lived away from Japan for so long, I truly cherish my time and opportunity to reconnect with my own culture. I am grateful I have a partner who enjoys DIY projects and understands what this house means to me. I am concerned that my fellow country people don't appreciate traditional architecture or culture - what's truly unique to Japan - as much. Passionate about resurrecting the values of "good old Japan" that are disappearing.

2 thoughts on “明治大正からやってきた新入りさん。”

  1. I love your blog- great job on your restoration projects! We too live in an old house that we have and continue to remodel AND we also live in Hiroshima- we are in the city. It would be fun to visit your place someday (and you are welcome to come over to ours) to chat & exchange tips. Thanks for the link to the local paint co., I have ordered some wax and other materials to try on some of our wood- hope to give it a new shine. Wonder where you found your amazing antique door online- rakuten? Best of luck on your remodeling adventures. If you would like to write a page for our website on your project with links to this blog, I’m sure it’d be interesting for our readers please get in touch.

    1. Thanks Ms J!

      Sorry for the late response as I have been neglecting the site of late, I only saw your message today!
      So sweet of you to give me those warm and encouraging words, thank you.

      I have been meaning to get in touch with you and GetHiroshima so very timely to hear from you indeed.
      So excited to hear yours is an oldie too!
      Yes, that bengara paint is fantastic. I use the wax too, love it.
      We would love to have you guys over.

      We are coming back to Hiroshima next week to live for 7 months (yes, sooooo excited I am).
      This time we are thinking of opening the house for events or possibly Air BnB when all necessary arrangements are made and approved.

      My poor husband (no Japanese) has no friends in Hiroshima (except my lovely relatives and adorably nosy neighbours…) and it would be great to meet nice locals.
      I would love to get an editorial/link/mention on your magazine/website/SNS and I have been meaning to ask for your suggestions, so good of you to get in touch.

      I have a few ideas on events – maybe connect locals and non-Japanese tourists/students/residents through traditional Japanese cultural experiences eg., learning how to do Shikkui plaster, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, kimono, sports, music, making miso or Japanese sweets… I am thinking invite JP experts of respective area, advertise and conduct events bilingually.

      Anyway, the house needs lots done still so maybe a bit too early to be talking about it but would love to see what you think. I have a feeling you would know our target audience better than we do.

      I have just done a map of our house (we are close to Ohgon-zan, near Mazda HQ) and floor plan so please watch this space, I will post them soon.

      Thanks again for reading, hopefully see you soon!


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